Archive 2023/24


Year 4 have been studying mountains this term, and to finish off our Geography topic we took a trip to the hilliest park we could find (Wharton Park – Durham – our version of a mini-mountain). Whilst there, we took part in some orienteering and compass work all around the park, run by Durham County


Today we held our annual Harlow Green Easter egg competition.  It was clear to see that we have some highly creative children by the level of detail that was put into our competition entries. The eggs were displayed around school so that each class could take a tour and have a look at them.  Ou


In PSHE this week, Year 4 have been talking about their families and what they mean to them. It was lovely to see how much they appreciate their families even if they don’t always show it! The children identified how family units can be very different; some families can be vary large and some small;


On Tuesday, the children took a school trip to Newcastle Central Mosque.  Throughout the day, the children recapped what they had learnt in school about the Islamic faith. The children were able to see the minbar (where the imam who leads the prayers and delivers the sermons stands). Additionally,


Year One had a fantastic time at Beamish this week and luckily, the rain stayed away all day! The children were thrilled to be going on a coach at last and after an immensely exciting  bus journey,  we arrived at Beamish. We tried to visit as many places at Beamish as possible. We started off by r


In PSHE, Year Two have been learning all about their bodies and how they change as they grow. To begin, the children learned about things that can help their body and things that can harm their body. The children looked at a range of products and decided which would be helpful and which would be har


This half term, the boys and girls have been learning all about branching databases. They began by finding out about how yes and no questions can be used to group and sort objects and had a go at generating some of their own. They then worked in pairs and used yes and no questions to separate a grou


In computing, this term, the Year 6 children have been learning about spreadsheets. Firstly, the children were introduced to data, the different types and how it can be organised within a spreadsheet. Following this the children learnt to create formulas to use in their spreadsheet using cell refere