Archive 2023/24


Over the last two weeks, Year 6 have been learning about fractions, decimals and percentage in their maths lessons. To begin with, the children had to become familiar with percentage, decimal and fraction equivalents. Knowing these equivalences allowed the children to compare and order them. The chi


In Maths, Year Two have been learning all about measurement. They have learned how to measure the length and height of an object as well as the mass. To begin, the children used a ruler to measure the length of different objects and lines. To ensure their measurement was accurate, they had to line t


Our new PE topic in Nursery for this half term is Ball Skills. Last week in our PE session,  we worked on throwing and catching a beanbag. We worked hard with our partner to make sure we were throwing the beanbag sensibly and that it was travelling in the correct direction.  We made sure we had ou


In science this term, year 4 are learning all about solids, liquids and gases. They have identified different materials in each of these states, and described the differences in their properties. After learning that all materials are made of particles, the children then took on the roles of particle


Year 4 children really enjoyed last weeks STEM related Forest School session and wanted more. Miss Rowe thought she would increase the challenge by giving them very different objects to assist with the carry. This weeks selection, some pallets, boards and long, straight logs. At first there was a t