Archive 2023/24


To launch Year One’s new English book, “Stone Girl, Bone Girl”, this week we all pretended to be Mary Anning – the most famous British Palaeontologist from Lyme Regis. First we discussed what tools and equipment a fossil finder would need.  The children had so many wonderful suggestions inc


This week, we have been really enjoying hearing all about the adventures which the children got up to during the holidays. One of the highlights was, of course, Bonfire Night so we made firework pictures, firework sticks and edible sparklers! We have now got a dark tent to help with our investigatio


This week, the children have been learning how to find pairs to 100. We first recapped their number bonds to 20 with a game which they all enjoyed. We then looked at how to find pairs to 100 using counters. The children used a part whole model and counters to find the pair to 100 by building a numbe


This week in Computing, the children have been creating vector drawing using computer software. Vector drawings are drawings made on a computer using lines and shapes. We looked at some examples of vector drawings as a class and how these skills could lead into a career as a graphic designer.  We w


This week, Year Two started to read their new book – Vlad and the Great Fire of London. Before they began the story, they looked at what houses were like in London in 1666. They noticed that the houses were made of wood, with thatch on the roof. The houses were also very close together. Next the c


In History over the last half term, we have been learning about Viking longships and the features of them that made the Vikings such successful explorers.  Linking this to DT, the children have designed and coloured a Viking sail and then created a pulley mechanism to raise and lower it.  We looke


This week, the children have studied two different types of poems.  Firstly, the children studied renga poems, which is a genre of Japanese collaborative poetry with alternating stanzas. Within renga poems, the first and third lines have 5 syllables and the second, fourth and fifth lines have 7 syl


Yesterday, Year Two visited St Mary’s Heritage Centre in Gateshead. This was linked to their History topic – The Great Fire of Gateshead. To begin, the children learned about the building they were visiting. Just from looking around, the children quickly identified that the building used be a church


This week, the whole school has had a change from their normal English lessons and there has been a focus on writing and performing poetry. This is an important element in the National Curriculum and one that enables children to develop their creativity and confidence performing in front of others.