Archive 2023/24


In English this half term, we have read the book ‘Friend or Foe’ by Michael Morpurgo. It has been part of our topic on ‘Peacekeepers’ and has provided a link to our work on the Second World War and what life was like on the home front. We have done various pieces of work which have allowed us to exp


All of Year One have been enjoying learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali as part of their RE lessons.  They learnt that Diwali is the festival of light and it is celebrated by lighting Diva lamps, giving presents and sweets and enjoying fireworks.  Rangoli patterns are created outside houses


This week, we have been learning all about how to look after our teeth. We read ‘Maisy, Charley and the Wobbly Tooth’ and the children learned that they will all lose their milk teeth and grow adult teeth. We also read ‘Alan’s Big Scary Teeth’ to learn what could happen if we don’t take care of our


We have started a new block in PE and it is all about dance. This can make some children nervous, when trying new things and performing in front of others, however the children have taken to it so well! We do a warm up that involves a lot of jumping and burpees to get our heart rates up and stretch


This half term the children have been learning to play Tag Rugby. Within lessons, everyone has been learning to accurately pass the ball as well as learning how to defend and attack. After learning the skills, the children have had the opportunity to put these skills into practise and play some matc


This term, we have been practising our gymnastic skills in our Indoor PE lesson. We start every lesson by warming up our bodies and increasing our heart rate.  The children love playing stuck in the mud and tag. Our gymnastic skills started by creating different shapes with our body.  We looked at


This week in Reception, we have been learning all about Harvest. We began our busy week by reading ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’ by Alison Bartlett and Vivian French.  We discussed which fruits and vegetables we were familiar with and those we enjoy. The children also had a special homework task to t


In Art, Year Two have been learning all about collage. To begin, the boys and girls explored what happens when we mix colours. Using the primary colours, the children mixed red and yellow, blue and yellow, and blue and red to create the secondary colours, which they then painted onto a colour wheel.