In Year 4 we explored numbers up to 9,999 today, using the flip frames and the place value counters to read, write and create numbers in a variety of ways. We also explored the importance of including the zero in columns that have no value, such as 4,032, because if we missed it out, it became 432.�
Last week we completed our first full week of phonic group work. Everyone has been busy remembering all of their new routines. We all have a perfect partner who helps each other to read the book. There are also lots of different activities to remember! Firstly every day we learn a new sound and
This weeks heavy rain meant that it was difficult for our friends at Angel Court to get out into the garden so the children went along to help. They cleaned out the new hens, giving them fresh food, water and bedding. Miss Rowe put up some tarps to create a shelter so the young birds have a dry area
Construction will be the main theme across year groups during our Forest School sessions this term. Construction covers a huge breadth of activities, so the children will be encouraged to build using all sorts of materials. From wood and clay, sticks and stones, words and music, stories and song, a
Today, Reception children met with our Year 4 classes to share stories. It was lovely to see the year 4 children reading so enthusiastically and encouraging the younger children to join in and discuss the stories. Article 13: We all have the right to share what we learn, think and feel with ot
We have had a great week! The children have been so settled, it’s amazing! They are having a lovely time and are really showing confidence making friends and playing in a variety of areas. This week, we have used our PE slot in the hall for the first time. They had great fun dancing and playing corn
This year, the children in Year 4 get the chance to learn a tuned instrument – the ukulele. Our coach – Mr Langford – will guide the children through different notes, chords, the strings, the ways to change the pitch and the length of the notes and introduce simple tunes to the children. They’ll e
Over the last two weeks, we have been learning about forces in Science. We identified key forces that we encounter during our every day life, such as: friction, air resistance, water resistance, applied force and gravity. After looking at examples of each force, this week we completed an investigati
In Maths, Year Two have been learning how to partition two-digit numbers. They learned that to partition a number means to split it up into smaller parts. To begin, the children used the base ten equipment to partition numbers into tens and ones using a part-whole model. They had to think carefully
This week in Science, the children investigated reflective materials. They enjoyed working in groups to compare a range of materials (such as foil and black cloth), to determine which one would be the most suitable for a reflective book bag to carry to school in autumn and winter. Firstly, the child