Archive 2023/24


In Year 4, we have been learning all about and comparing some of the key Hindu festivals in RE. There are so many festivals that celebrate the different gods – we started with Holi, the festival of colour. The children listened to the story of Prahlad, that his father, the king, wanted everyone to w


This week, Reception have been learning about recycling and finding out why this is important for our environment. We began by reading the story ‘Somebody swallowed Stanley’ by Sarah Robert’s which tells the story of a plastic bag who is swallowed by various animals in the ocean. After reading


This week, Year 5 have began to look at Islamic art during their art lessons. We have looked at examples of Islamic art to identify the three main components: floral motifs, geometric patterns and calligraphy. Then, the children were given different examples of Islamic art to choose from and were as


We have been learning about Henri Matisse and his artwork this week. Nursery read a story called ‘Snail Trail’ which showed us different pieces of artwork that were created by Matisse. It focused on his creation called ‘The Snail’, to fit in with our topic learning around minibeasts. The Snail was c


This half term, the boys and girls have been learning the skills needed for a game of basketball. They started by practising how to chest pass and bounce pass and then moved on to the skill of dribbling. They were very enthusiastic and showed great sportsmanship when applying these skills within tea


Year One have been having fun with fractions this week. The week started off by learning what half means. We learnt that when we halve a shape we have to split it into two equal parts. Next, the children cut out a square, a circle and a triangle. They folded each shape in half and coloured half of i


This week, Reception have been reading ‘Handa’s Suprise’. We talked about the exotic fruits that Handa placed in her basket and chopped and tasted some of them.  The children then created a class pictogram of their favourites.  After tasting avocado, pineapple, mango, passion fruit, oranges,