Year 1


This term our topic in Year One is “We’re all going on a summer holiday.”  The children have enjoyed talking about their trips to the seaside and how they like building sandcastles on the beach and eating fish and chips.  The pupils have also had the opportunity to learn about seaside holida


Everyone in Year One has been thoroughly enjoying our new text ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’.  In the story Mrs Grinling packs a delicious lunch for Mr Grinling every day and sends it down the wire to the lighthouse on the rocks. But one Monday something terrible happened. Mr Grinling’s lunch is


For our summer science topic we are learning about plants.  Firstly we learnt what a plant is. Despite the rainy weather, we all went onto the field for a plant hunt.  The children found many different kinds of plant including bluebells, grass, daffodils, daisies and buttercups and they enjoyed cr


This week we have been learning about toys and games in the past. First we started by discussing toys and games we all play with today.  LEGO and games consoles seemed to be the most popular.  The children then looked at a range of toys from the past such as jacks, a cup and ball, rocking horse an


Today we held our annual Harlow Green Easter egg competition.  It was clear to see that we have some highly creative children by the level of detail that was put into our competition entries. The eggs were displayed around school so that each class could take a tour and have a look at them.  Ou