Year 1


Everyone was very excited to go on their very first trip in Year One.  The children have been learning all about Christian churches. They have learnt what happens in a church and features of a church both inside and outside. Today, we all walked down to St. Ninian’s church in Low Fell. We enjoyed


Year One have been so excited to use laptops this term. It all started with the children learning the different parts of a laptop computer and a desktop computer – screen, keyboard, trackpad/mouse. Then the children were taught how to log onto a laptop computer, and then onto Purple Mash. Next, we


This week in Year One, in our science lessons,  we have been learning all about sea pollution and the growing global problem our marine life is faced with.  The children have watched a number of different Espresso video clips which have explained how much rubbish is in the sea, the dangers it pose


All of the children in Year One were excited to start their new topic of Houses and Homes. We started off the week by looking at photos and pictures of different kinds of houses. The children loved showing their class photos of their house and we learnt the names of different kinds of houses – det


This term in our Forest School sessions we are preparing for our annual survey for The RSPB Big School Bird-watch. Year 6 are busy building bird-hides. The structure of their builds is linked to their RE study regarding the Jewish Festival of Sukkot. Trying to use the detailed guidance for building


In science this term our focus is on materials. First of all, the pupils learnt the definition of a material – a material is what an object is made from. Next, we discussed different materials that we knew such as metal, glass, wood, plastic, paper and fabric. Everyone tried to find the different ma


This week we have been learning about the first ever Christmas.  Year One have been busy rehearsing their Christmas Nativity. Alongside this, they have also been learning about the Christian story of Christmas. First of all, they learnt the names of all the important characters – Mary, Joseph, Jesu