With Autumn now under way and Bonfire Night looming it is a good time to talk to the children about fire safety. We do this in class, where the children can share their experiences and learn which safety measures need to be in place before you even think about lighting a fire. We discuss risk, the f
All of the teachers have been impressed with the fact recall in Year One. Following on from learning about one more last week, this week we have focused our learning on one less. The week started with some counting backwards. We are learning to count backwards starting from any number under 10. Why
Everyone in Year One enjoyed our history lessons this week during which they have been learning about Mary Anning, the first person in England to excavate dinosaur fossils. They firstly listened to the story ‘Dinosaur Lady’. They then became artists and drew a detailed portrait of Mary Anning.
Last week we completed our first full week of phonic group work. Everyone has been busy remembering all of their new routines. We all have a perfect partner who helps each other to read the book. There are also lots of different activities to remember! Firstly every day we learn a new sound and
Construction will be the main theme across year groups during our Forest School sessions this term. Construction covers a huge breadth of activities, so the children will be encouraged to build using all sorts of materials. From wood and clay, sticks and stones, words and music, stories and song, a
This afternoon, Year One were so lucky to have visitors from Animal Encounters. Firstly, they introduced the topic of dinosaurs and explained how they lived thousands of years ago but now they are extinct. The children listened carefully to the possible explanation, including a meteor or a volcanic