Since Christmas, the choir have not stopped – rehearsing for two major projects. Firstly, they’ve learned 10 songs for the Spring Sing performance at The Glasshouse International Centre for Music in Gateshead. They had a great time singing on the stage with other schools in front of a large audien
During Maths, the boys and girls have started learning about mass. They began by looking at images of objects on balance scales and explaining how they could tell which was heaviest and which was lightest. The children could explain that if the scales were balanced, it meant the mass of the objects
During our Forest School sessions this term we will be turning our focus to the importance of trees. With our ever changing climate it is vital that our children understand how we can behave positively to protect our planet. In the media the focus is often on the damage that the human race is having
Dear parents/carers, As we enter the end of our Easter break, we are now moving into our last term of the academic year after what has been a very short but jam-packed spring. Over the last three months, in addition to the continuous day-to-day teaching and learning, the staff worked tirelessly to
Throughout January and February, Mrs Chapman and Miss McCall have held auditions for all children who wanted to take part in our Harlow Green’s Got Talent Show. Over the last two weeks, many of the pupils at Harlow Green have proudly displayed their talents. Over the course of two evenings and
In Geography, the boys and girls have been learning about rural and urban areas. They began by exploring what these terms mean and identifying rural and urban areas from photographs. They then compared maps of Harlow Green over the years and concluded that it has changed from a rural area into an
Today we held our annual Harlow Green Easter egg competition. It was clear to see that we have some highly creative children by the level of detail that was put into our competition entries. The eggs were displayed around school so that each class could take a tour and have a look at them. Ou
This half term, the boys and girls have been learning all about branching databases. They began by finding out about how yes and no questions can be used to group and sort objects and had a go at generating some of their own. They then worked in pairs and used yes and no questions to separate a grou