Year 3


This week, the children were very excited to find out that they would be cooking. In DT, we began with discussions about food in the Stone Age. The boys and girls can explain that early humans were hunter-gatherers who had a diet consisting of meat, fruit, nuts and berries and how this changed with


In this horrible, rainy weather there’s not a lot to do outside, so it’s the perfect time for grabbing a book and reading. The start of the year always sees some brilliant new book releases and WHSmith and Waterstones have some excellent displays of picture and chapter books that are well worth a lo


In Art this term, the children explored the vast array of colours they are able to make from the 3 primary colours and learned about secondary and tertiary colours in order to create their own colour wheels. The boys and girls also identified how adding white and black can change the tint of a colou


This week, the boys and girls have been learning how to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. At first, they used counters and a place value chart to support their understanding. We then looked at how we can use the counters to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number with exchange. Th


In History, Year 3 have been learning about life through the ages. First, they learned about the Stone Age and investigated artefacts from this time. The children became archaeologists and using images, discussed what the artefacts would have been used for and what they were made out of. We also had


This week, the children in Year 3 have thoroughly enjoyed the beginning of our computing unit, animations. The children first discussed whether they think a picture can move. There was a lot of debate, however the children soon understood that pictures can move through animation and flip books. The


This term in our Forest School sessions we are preparing for our annual survey for The RSPB Big School Bird-watch. Year 6 are busy building bird-hides. The structure of their builds is linked to their RE study regarding the Jewish Festival of Sukkot. Trying to use the detailed guidance for building