Helping our friends at Angel Court to look after their new hens and garden is a very important task for the children to do. The residents really appreciate it especially as the weather is getting colder. Keeping the paths clear of leaves and moss enables the wheel chair users to get around safely, r
This half term the children have been learning to play Tag Rugby. Within lessons, everyone has been learning to accurately pass the ball as well as learning how to defend and attack. After learning the skills, the children have had the opportunity to put these skills into practise and play some matc
Last week in Art, the children were introduced to a new artistic method called batik. The children completed a reading exercise to find out more information about batik, including how long it has been used for and in what countries it originated from. Then, we moved on to investigating how differe
The new year has seen children taking initial assessments in Accelerated Reader and Reading Plus. This provides them with a level to begin their reading journey from for this academic year. The children are then able to access these programmes in school, but, perhaps more importantly, with your supp
The children have been back at school for a few weeks now and are all taking books home from Accelerated Reader, Read Write Inc, Class Treasure Chests or Reading Schemes. The outdoor library has re-opened and children are accessing this at breaks and dinnertimes. As the nights draw in, it is the per
This week in PSHE, we have been learning about why it is important to have equal right. The children looked at the work that UNICEF do around the would to support children from a range of different backgrounds. Afterwards, the children worked in groups to create a children’s rights charter, where th
Before we began work tidying the garden, Miss Rowe and the children brought some of the new hens at Angel Court inside so the residents could enjoy them. Nothing nicer than having a warm, friendly hen on your lap. As you can see the chicks are becoming teenagers and it won’t be long before they ar
This week in Year 5, we moved onto our next topic, and for the next two weeks, we are going to be learning all about rivers. To start off our new topic, the children used atlases to identify and locate the most famous rivers in the world. They were given a blank map with rivers from each continent.
This weeks heavy rain meant that it was difficult for our friends at Angel Court to get out into the garden so the children went along to help. They cleaned out the new hens, giving them fresh food, water and bedding. Miss Rowe put up some tarps to create a shelter so the young birds have a dry area
Over the last two weeks, we have been learning about forces in Science. We identified key forces that we encounter during our every day life, such as: friction, air resistance, water resistance, applied force and gravity. After looking at examples of each force, this week we completed an investigati