Year 5


This week, Year 5 have began to look at Islamic art during their art lessons. We have looked at examples of Islamic art to identify the three main components: floral motifs, geometric patterns and calligraphy. Then, the children were given different examples of Islamic art to choose from and were as


Year 5 displayed their understanding of water safety procedures this week. They have worked incredibly hard to get to this point of assessment, following the directions of the swimming instructor with focus and demonstrating with precision. Wearing loose clothing, the first task to swim out slowly i


Today, the children learnt about the figurative language technique of personification.  Next week, the children in Year 5 will be writing a setting description based on the book Oranges in No Man’s Land. The children have worked hard so far to create descriptive sentences in their sentence stacker


This week, the children had the fantastic opportunity to have PE and healthy lifestyle sessions delivered by players of the Newcastle Eagles. The children were taught all about the importance for water, a balanced diet and who are the ‘superstars’ in the life. The main highlight for the children was


This morning, Year Five tackled some tricky tangrams in their Maths lesson. Tangrams are mathematical puzzles that use basic shapes to create larger, or more intricate shapes and objects. The puzzle consists of a square divided into seven pieces called Tans. Each of the pieces had a different shape.