Year 5


Across Spring Term, the children have been enjoying fencing taught in the PE lessons. To start the unit, the children were introduced to the basics of fencing. They started by learning the ‘salute’ and ‘on guard’ positions, as well as the rules for moving and the importance of defending within fenci


On Wednesday afternoon  some of our year 5/6 children  took part in the Gateshead East hockey competition which was held at Lord Lawson school.  We had two teams who took part in the competition  they both played  really well and played cohesively as a team. Both teams played five  games each


This week, in Science, we have looked at the human development from birth to old age. We started the week by looking at the seven stages of development (prenatal, baby, child, adolescent, early adulthood, middle adulthood and old age) and investigated the different way your body and mind develops at