Year 5


This week the Year 5 children have started their new unit of Islam. We started the week by recapping their learning from Year 2. The children could remember a great deal. They were able to recall facts about mosques, the Qur’an and worship. We then compare the key feature of the religion to our Autu


After school yesterday  some of our year 5/6 Girls took part in a friendly match against Whitemere Primary school which was held at Harlow Green. The girls played some great football, they passed the ball really well and played cohesively as a team. The communication on the pitch was fantastic, wi


In this horrible, rainy weather there’s not a lot to do outside, so it’s the perfect time for grabbing a book and reading. The start of the year always sees some brilliant new book releases and WHSmith and Waterstones have some excellent displays of picture and chapter books that are well worth a lo


This half term, the children taking part in our VEX robotics club participated in a tournament hosted by Nissan. The tournament involved 20 local primary schools who took their own robots to compete in driving skills challenges. Our team appropriately named themselves ‘The Green Machine’, and compet


This week, the children have been investigating shade and colour combinations.  Earlier in the week, the children were introduced to an artist called John Dyer, who they will be basing their final piece on. The children have also been investigating how to change the shade of a colour using white an


For the past two weeks, the children have been planning for and writing a newspaper article in English.  As part of our sentence stackers, the children have been looking at and learning about broken speech. After learning about the rules regarding punctuation and the position of the reporting claus