Year 5


Following our fantastic trip, Year 5 have started learning about the Anglo-Saxons in History. We started by looking at why the Anglo-Saxons invaded Britain and where they came from.  We learnt that when they invaded Britain, they split it into seven different kingdoms – one of them was Northumbri


To start off our History topic on the Anglo-Saxons, Year 5 took a visit to Jarrow Hall. After arriving, Year 5 were split into two groups. The first group was taken around the functioning farm at Jarrow Hall and looked at animals that would have been used on an Anglo-Saxon farm. The children enjoyed


This week in Computing, the children have been creating vector drawing using computer software. Vector drawings are drawings made on a computer using lines and shapes. We looked at some examples of vector drawings as a class and how these skills could lead into a career as a graphic designer.  We w


This week, the children have studied two different types of poems.  Firstly, the children studied renga poems, which is a genre of Japanese collaborative poetry with alternating stanzas. Within renga poems, the first and third lines have 5 syllables and the second, fourth and fifth lines have 7 syl


This week, the whole school has had a change from their normal English lessons and there has been a focus on writing and performing poetry. This is an important element in the National Curriculum and one that enables children to develop their creativity and confidence performing in front of others.