

This week Year Two visited Saltwell Park. As part of their PSHE work the children have been thinking about how they could help their local community. They took part in a litter pick while they were there and also used the opportunity to carry out some geography fieldwork. When they arrived, the chil


We have had an exciting arrival in Reception this week. Caterpillars have joined our class and they have already started to make their cocoons and we cannot wait to see them transform into butterflies. During the week, the children enjoyed reading ‘The hungry caterpillar’ and discussing the diff


This week Year One have started a new block of work in art.  The children have been observing shells to find different patterns, lines and shapes.  Firstly they looked at  pictures of shells and then carefully tore round them to stick them in their books.  Secondly, using a pencil, everyone drew


Today, the children put their creative skills to the test by creating unique designs inspired by Ancient Baghdad. Last half-term, the children enjoyed putting their talents to practice by designing and creating a tile inspired by Ancient Islam. To add to their existing knowledge, the children had a


In Science, Year 3 have been learning about magnets and their magnetic fields. The children handled different types of magnets and were quick to make predictions about which they thought would be the strongest and why. They then used the magnets to investigate whether their predictions were correct


In Computing, Year Two have been learning all about programming, using Scratch Junior. They have used coloured blocks to program a character (sprite) to move, change and speak. To begin, the children recapped their learning from Year One. Even though it has been a long time since they last used Scra


This week, the children in Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their experience learning about space through a VR headset.  Last term, the children in Year 5 loved their Earth and Space unit in Science. On Wednesday, the children were thrilled to find out that they had one more lesson to enjoy – this time wi