Art & Design


We have had an exciting arrival in Reception this week. Caterpillars have joined our class and they have already started to make their cocoons and we cannot wait to see them transform into butterflies. During the week, the children enjoyed reading ‘The hungry caterpillar’ and discussing the diff


This week Year One have started a new block of work in art.  The children have been observing shells to find different patterns, lines and shapes.  Firstly they looked at  pictures of shells and then carefully tore round them to stick them in their books.  Secondly, using a pencil, everyone drew


Today, the children put their creative skills to the test by creating unique designs inspired by Ancient Baghdad. Last half-term, the children enjoyed putting their talents to practice by designing and creating a tile inspired by Ancient Islam. To add to their existing knowledge, the children had a


This term in Art, Year Two have studied the artwork of Vincent van Gogh. Although he is most famous for his paintings, van Gogh believed that drawing, using simple mark making techniques, was “the root of everything”. The boys and girls therefore studied his sketches and used different materials


This term in Art, we have been looking at, making and decorating clay coil pots.  This linked nicely to our history topic too – all about the Ancient Greeks. The Ancient Greeks made coil pots to hold drinks, food and perfume and then decorated them with intricate images and designs.  In Art, we lo


The children in Reception have been getting to know the life cycle of a frog this week. We began the week by reading ‘Growing Frogs’ by Vivian French which details the life cycle of a frog. The children learnt that the life cycle begins with frogspawn, which slowly changes into a tadpole. The Tadpol


This week Nursery has been taken over by pirates! We went on a pirate adventure to look for treasure. To look for treasure we needed telescopes. The children worked hard in the creative area to make their own telescopes using toilet roll tubes. They spread glue and added different jewels, coloured p