It has been a busy few weeks at Angel court, where the children, residents and artist, Neil Canavan, have been building the new henhouse. It takes pride of place in the Platinum Parterre sensory garden we’ve created to celebrate the Queens Jubilee. This community space encourages the residents to co
This week, the children in Reception have been taking part in National Nursery Rhyme Week. This year, the suggested rhymes were B-I-N-G-O, The Big Ship Sails on the Alley, Alley, o, Twinkle, Twinkle, 12345 Once I Caught a Fish Alive and 5 Little Speckled Frogs. The children enjoyed performing thes
A wet and woolly day for Year 1. They are enjoying learning about construction in nature, how animals keep themselves safe, what materials they might need, what shapes we might see. Thinking about animals and birds that nest, they searched in the woodland for twigs and leaves to create nests of thei
In their Forest School session Reception children were learning about the way that different animals behave as the seasons change. Squirrels hiding their nuts to ensure food through the winter and which animals might hibernate. What would you want if you were spending the winter asleep? Shelter from
If you are a very small bear and you want to look a long way the best thing to do is get up high in the air. The children were challenged to create a structure so that the bear could see into the distance. They could use branches and sticks they’d found in the woods. The highest tower would be the w
This week in Reception, we have been learning all about two special Autumn festivals; Halloween and Bonfire Night. We started our week with a super spooky Halloween party, where we all dressed up in our Halloween costumes instead of our school uniform. We enjoyed seeing everyone’s different costum
Teaching our children about the wonder of fire is an important part of Forest School life and is particularly relevant at this time of the year. We start with good safe practice entering and exiting the fire pit area. The children started practicing last term so this week they had a test session to
Our Nursery children had fun in the Autumn sun during their Forest School session. Their first challenge was to collect yellow leaves, they found some really brightly coloured ones. Then they moved onto red and finally orange. Once they’d filled their bags they gathered armfuls of sticks and we head
Wands and broomsticks, potions and ghosts, Year 6 created all sorts of spooky things for Halloween. Using Formia leaves to make fastenings the children worked together to create some fantastic broomsticks, smelly ones, using thyme, sage, mint and lemon balm. Fluffy ones made from rose bay willow her
Over the past two weeks, Year Six have been studying different sketching techniques in Art lessons. The children looked at how to represent texture, light and shadow, perspective, reflection and movement. First, they practised their skills by sketching a realistic apple and a scene where mountains a