In Art, Year Two have been learning all about Henri Matisse. They learned that Henri Matisse was a famous artist, who was born in France. When he first became an artist, he liked to paint but, after he had had an operation, he started to create collages. He called this ‘painting with scissors’. The
In Year 3, the boys and girls have been developing their printing skills during our Art topic. The children began by learning how to roll the ink and explored the patterns created using different textures. Once the children were confident using the ink and roller, they used their skills to create a
Year 2 begin to learn more about tools and construction within their Forest School sessions. First sorting the hammers into different types, then we looked at what each type might be used for. We also talked about what you could use if you didn’t have a hammer and how could you improvise. The childr
In our Forest School this week children from Reception and Nursery looked for materials that would be good for making paintbrushes. They found all sorts of hairy, fluffy, furry and leafy materials. Some of the more dexterous wound these items around and attached them to sticks, others picked plants
Art has been so much fun for the last two weeks. The children learnt about the primary colours – red, blue and yellow and then experimented with different styles of printing. Firstly they printed with a range of objects such as Lego, cups and sponges. We noticed that sometimes the colours merg
This week in Art, the children were introduced to the artform of ‘batik’. This process involves a design being traced onto a piece of cloth, which is then covered with wax. The piece of cloth is then dyed and the wax removed. Once removed, the cloth will reveal an intricate pattern as the dye will n
Reception children used their senses to find natural objects that they liked. Feeling for textures, lots of nice shiny leaves, spiky grasses, colourful fruits, smelly herbs, they filled their bags. They moved around in the undergrowth with confidence and are beginning to be able to express why certa
The children in class 2B enjoy coming to Art Club on a Tuesday after school. The pupils listened to the story ‘The Queen’s Knickers’ by Nicholas Allan and designed their own pair of knickers for her majesty. The boys and girls made their own crowns and then then they created their own po
As part of our Marvellous Me topic, we have been looking at our families. We talked about how all of our families are set up differently, making us all unique and different. We learnt that it doesn’t matter if you have a different family to someone else, or if you have two homes or if you don’t
Our Reception children are just beginning their Forest School adventures. Todays challenge was to create a shelter for our furry friend, the squirrel. If you were a squirrel that lived in the woods, what would you want to make it cosy and comfortable? The children had plenty of ideas. They were enco