Art & Design


A busy week in our Forest School. Reception built dinosaur nests and as you can see they are are moving and handling the wild resources with confidence and maturity. Some other children worked with clay or collected special items for our Forest Museum board. Meanwhile the strawberries were weeded an


The children in Nursery have enjoyed learning all about kings, queens, princesses, and princes in preparation for our Jubilee Party on the last day of term. We have made our own crowns and necklaces and produced artwork of the Queen. Nursery discussed what they would like at their Royal Jubilee Teap


The children in Year 3 have had an amazing red, white and blue day celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.  They began their day finding out some important facts about Queen Elizabeth II and her family.  They enjoyed learning new information such as the number of children, grandchildren and gr


In maths this week, the children have been exploring how shapes can be combined and separated to make new shapes.  We have investigated building shapes using smaller shapes and combining shapes in different ways to make pictures.  The children talked about the names and the properties of the shape


This half term in Year 4, we have been learning about Ancient Greece. In art, we have been looking at examples of different ways that the Ancient Greeks used pottery. The children have enjoyed looking at examples of clay pots, masks used in theatre and also ornaments. We were even lucky enough to ho


In Art, Year Two have been learning about mark making. They learned about a famous artist called Vincent van Gogh and looked at one of his most famous paintings – Starry Night. The children recognised that van Gogh used lots of different marks to create this piece of art. They discussed whether they


The Jubilee Parterre continues at Angel Court. A parterre is usually a formal garden, created by arranging planting beds symmetrically and linking pathways with border hedges. The design for Angel Court will stimulate the senses, there will be fruits and vegetables that will need looking after and h