This week, the children have had a great time learning about Easter. We read the Easter Story from the Usbourne children’s bible and talked about what Easter means to Christians. We tasted hot cross buns at snack time and we made chocolate nests. In our literacy books we spotted Easter eggs hi
After having a break from our Easter egg decorating competition, it has been absolutely fantastic the response we have received this year as you will see from the pictures below. There is a vast array of designs showing skill, creativity and hard work. The judging took place on Thursday by the Right
As part of our end of term activities, all children from Year 1 to Year 6 take part in a class quiz focussed around their foundation subjects (History, Art, Geography, Science, PE etc) whether it is individually on the iPads or as a class, using the interactive quiz tool – Mentimeter. The teachers
What a long way Year 2 have come in their Forest School journey. This morning they were totally immersed in the woodland. Building dens, creating games, planning and building bug houses, sharing skills, building new relationships, becoming leaders, the list goes on. More than all these things though
Forest School adventures for our Year 4’s. The flash challenge was to move our new logs into our site. This activity requires positive communication skills, a very difficult job if you don’t co-operate. They made it look easy however and were delighted by their own determination. They then continued
In Art, Year Two have been learning all about tie-dye. First, they learned about Yokisho Wada, a Japanese artist. She uses a dyeing technique called Shibori, which is very similar to tie-dye. The children said whether they liked her artwork or not and described how it made them feel. The children th
The flash challenge this morning was designed to open up discussion around how to choose a safe place to set a fire. The class split themselves into groups of 2’s and 3’s, each group was given a cone. The challenge was to place the cone somewhere within the Forest School site that they felt would be
The flash challenge today took advantage of our lovely North Eastern weather, create a waterproof shelter that can protect the whole team. In class, a quick discussion about options for raising a roof, the children shared plenty of ideas, but could they execute them outside in the elements? They wer
The children in Nursery have enjoyed learning all about Spring! We went on a spring hunt with clipboards to look for signs of spring, together we found: buds, blossom, daffodils, green leaves, bees, minibeasts, and sunshine! We went on a minibeast hunt around the garden using tubs, paintbrushes, mag
This week in Reception we have been finding out about the season of spring. We went on a hunt around the school grounds looking for signs of spring. We were lucky enough to spot a large bird’s nest high up in a tree and lots of spring flowers and buds appearing. In the garden the children enjoyed