Nature art in the Forest School. The children made frames from sticks, then collected natural materials to create their pictures. As you can see they produced some beautiful, detailed art, being really careful in how they placed the materials to get the best effect. As a class they then viewed their
This week Year One have thoroughly enjoyed being artists in the classroom. They have practised drawing a variety of lines, using a pencil – straight, wriggly, curved and zig zag and then transferred these skills to painting different lines. Also the pupils have learnt how to mix primary colours to m
The idea behind this weeks flash challenge is to pull together some of the children’s varied interests and increase their skillset. Creativity and rope work have been their key interests over the last term, so making dream catchers was the perfect way of meeting both these topics. Some children deli
Reception children went on a mini-beast hunt in our Forest School. They started by trying to find dark places the bugs might hide. Our Forest School environment is scattered with strategically placed materials to encourage a variety of creepy crawlies to make their homes. The stacked pipes were a go
Understanding Religions This week Reception learnt about the Hindu festival of Holi, which is a Spring festival of colour. In art we used many colours of paint and powder to create splatter paintings and explored colour mixing with primary colours. We practiced developing our scissor skills by cutti
Lots of excitement and anticipation in Year 2 this week to see if there was more evidence of Sprites on our site. You may not know much about Woodland Sprites, they are clever little creatures who are guardians of our natural world. From the trees above to the soil below and everything in between.
In class the children have been learning about the Holi Festival of Colour, today’s exploration activity encouraged them to really observe the nuances of colour in the natural world. They set off in teams, each with a collecting bag containing a selection of paint colour cards, the challenge, to see
Seeds, seeds and more seeds! We have started looking at spring/growing this week. We have read the story ‘The Tiny Seed’ and discussed how plants grow and change over time and what they need to grow. The children have planted their own sunflowers this week. Over the next few weeks, we will be ta
Continuing our topic on Journey’s, Reception have been learning about some of the animals that live in Africa. We looked at some art work by Edward Tingatinga, a famous African artist, and used this as inspiration to create our own art work. The children carefully drew around stencils of African
Children in Year 4 spent the morning in our Forest School den building in the trees. Previously they have created different styles of natural shelter, including many free standing variations. Using existing trees as a start point and the natural topography of the land, encourages a different set of