Pancakes around the fire for our Year 4 and Reception children this week. Whilst they ate, the older children could practice their whittling skills and try their hand at using flint and steels. Hungry work indeed. This kind of task needs a calm environment and patience, the children worked together
In Reception this week, we enjoyed blasting off to space. We read ‘ The Way Back Home’ by Oliver Jeffers which inspired us to learn more about space. For homework, the children learnt a space fact and then enjoyed sharing them at group time. We found out about stars and made our own constellat
Henri Matisse Nursery is really enjoying practicing their scissor skills and cutting up paper. This led to us looking at the artist ‘Matisse’, his artwork was loved by the children. We had lots of discussions ‘it does not look like a snail’, ‘why are there lots of colours?’ Some children
This half-term, the children in Year 6 have been exploring Cubist and Realist artwork. They have studied artists including Matisse, Picasso, Gainsborough, Modigliani and Schnabel for inspiration and have seen the different approaches they have taken to producing portraits. They really enjoyed on-lin
Though we try and get out into our Forest School no matter what the weather brings, even the most adventurous have to respect mother nature and keep themselves safe. So for the first part of this weeks session the children stayed out of the high winds and created some placement art in the classroom.
A quick challenge encourages the children to act more intuitively. No time to over think it. Using anything you find, transform a Christmas tree into a native British animal. Some weird and wonderful beasts appeared. The children soon realised the key to this is putting in the main characteristics o
Wild winds this afternoon but we are lucky to still have some sheltered woodland to explore. Some children tried a quick build challenge to make a house for a mouse. You can see that their builds are starting to take shape. The children are now beginning to plan ahead and select materials with more
Year 3 took to the woods to get creative, on a glorious day with no wind. There was small construction going on in the willow room. Playing in and building dens and some nest building too. While all that busy stuff was going on some other children started to create a placement art gallery on the hil
As you may remember, back in the beginning of December, we shared information about an art project that would be taking place at Harlow Green, which would see artwork being specially created for our school. Leanne Pearce, artist and parent of children who attend Harlow Green, wished to work with us
This week, the boys and girls in Reception have been learning all about Chinese New Year. We read a story about the Chinese zodiac and learnt that this year is the year of the Tiger. We had lots of fun during our choosing times playing in our role play Chinese restaurant, painting blossom pictur