Art & Design


The children in Year 3 have been learning about the meaning of Easter.  They looked at pictures and symbols that represent the Easter story.  They also read and talked about Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection.  In class, all of the pupils made an Easter card to give to a friend or family member.


In Art, Year Two have been learning how to mark make. The children learnt that they can create different marks by drawing a variety of lines, dots and patterns. They also learnt that mark making can be used to show how an object feels or how light / dark areas of the object are. This week, the child


This week, Year 5 have been looking at Islamic style art, linking to our work on Islam and the ancient city of Baghdad earlier in the term. The children learned about the main types of Islamic style art, before being given different examples of geometric art and deciding what they liked about them,


This week in Reception we have been looking at some Autumn celebrations. We have learned all about Halloween and completed lots of different Halloween activities, changed the home corner to a witches kitchen and made our own magic potions outside. We enjoyed telling our friends what we had been doin


Over the last couple of weeks, the children having being doing some impressive artwork. They have developed their shading techniques and have looked at how to create reflections and show light, shadow and movement. This culminated in a final piece of work showing a World War Two plane flying over th


This week, Year 5 have further developed their understanding of batik. The children were asked to produce two ideas that they might be able to replicate in the style of batik, with an Anglo Saxon theme running through. They then decided which design was the most appropriate and drew it using pencil


In Art, the children in Year 4 have been practising and improving their sketching skills. Firstly, we have experimented with different pencil marks and how we can use them to create shading effects. The children loved split cross-hatching and wood effect mark making. Following this, we have used the