“At the going down of the sun and in the morning… We will remember them” Remembrance honours those who serve to defend our democratic freedoms and ways of life. In 2021 we are celebrating 100 years since the nation’s collective Remembrance traditions were first brought together. To mark Armistice
In topic this week. the children have learnt all about two festivals – Diwali and Bonfire Night! The children have enjoyed learning about two different festivals that have a similarity of light. Diwali Our first festival this week we celebrated on the 4th November which was Diwali. This is also know
Over the past couple of weeks, the children in Year 6 have been working on drawing within art lessons. They have developed their shading techniques. The unit began with the children exploring pattern and the hatching method. Following this, they have learnt how to create reflections and show light,
In our art lessons in Year 3 this half term, the children have been learning about printing. At first, the children investigated the effects of different textures when printing and then created monoprints of their own designs. The final print design of the children linked back to our work on the anc
Autumn Over the week we have taken a look at the season of ‘Autumn’. The children enjoyed exploring the changes to the trees and the weather outside. We went on an autumn walk, where we hunted for autumn treasures on our school grounds. We found: red, green, yellow, brown, orange, and black leaves,
In Year 2, we have been showing off our fantastic artistic talents. First, we used the primary colours to create the secondary colours. So we mixed red and yellow paint to make orange, blue and yellow paint to make green and blue and red to make purple. Then, we learnt that if we added some white pa
This week has seen the start of our art block of work. It all started with learning about primary colours. Every child coloured a red, yellow and blue primary colour wheel. The colouring was so neat! Next the children investigated how they could print with primary colours. They used obje
We have been so busy in Reception this week! Here are just a few things we have been learning all about. Topic In Reception this week, we have been learning all about the season of Autumn. We went on an Autumn walk around school to identify the changes we noticed, looking at colours, sounds and the
This week in Reception we began our topic for the Autumn term – Marvellous Me. The children have been learning about self-portraits and exploring the concept that everyone is different and unique. They have used different forms of media to draw their own self-portraits using powder paint and oil pas
Tree recognition can be tricky, so many varieties and so difficult to remember new names. This activity helps the children begin to recognise and match, shape, colour and textures. First each child was given a collecting bag, then into the woods we go to find their favourite leaf shape. They collect