This week in Reception we have been learning all about sea pollution and the growing global problem our marine life are faced with. The children have watched a number of different Espresso video clips which have explained how much rubbish is in the sea, the dangers it has for the animals and what
This week Year One have started a new block of work in art. The children have been observing shells to find different patterns, lines and shapes. Firstly they looked at pictures of shells and then carefully tore round them to stick them in their books. Secondly, using a pencil, everyone drew
Free play sessions are integral to our Forest School ethos, ensuring the children have a confidence and ownership of their environment. Different activities are introduced in these lessons that children can chose to engage in or interpret themselves, alternatively they can use the space and resource
Continuing our topic on the ‘Great Outdoors’, this week, we found out all about ladybirds. We listened to the story, ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ by Julia Donaldson and discussed how the animals managed to trick the robbers and save the prize cow. We looked at the map of the farm that the robbers had
In Nursery this week we have explored the season ‘summer’. The children have loved looking for signs of summer outside and discussing their favourite activities to do when it is sunny. The most popular ideas have been: visits to the beach, park and playing in the paddling pool. The children know the
Upper Key Stage 2 have enjoyed an afternoon inspired by the poems of Edward Lear and Lewis Carrol. In class they read limericks and nonsense poetry such as The Owl and the Pussycat and Jabberwocky then they headed outside to see if they could create their own verse. Working in teams they were given
In Art this term, Year 2 have been learning all about patterns. First, we learnt three different techniques to tie-dye. The patterns these created were spots, stripes and spirals. The children tried all of these techniques on a small bit of fabric. They had to roll, pinch or twist the material and t
For one of our Year 6 classes this afternoon was their last full Forest School session before they embark on the excitement of secondary school. It was a fantastic afternoon and we even beat the weather (just about). The children set up the camp fire and prepared the food whilst Miss Rowe fired up t
This week in Reception, we have been learning about the artist, Vincent Van Gough. The children enjoyed listening to a variety of stories about Vincent Van Gough’s work, including: Camille and the Sunflowers; Katie and the Sunflowers and Katie and the Starry Night. We also went on a virtual tour
Over the last half term Year 3 have been taking part in various Forest School activities, writing rhymes, tower building and this week, creating simple games. The common link is the need for the children to collaborate no matter what the activity. This over-arching theme of collaboration links direc