Art & Design


The boys and girls in Year 1 have been investigating how to paint with different thicknesses of brushes and how to mix paints to make secondary colours. The topic began by using artists pencils to draw a variety of different lines.  They learnt that lines can be long or short, thick or thin and wri


Year 4 have enjoyed a block of art over the last two weeks – exploring sketching and drawing with the human form, reducing it first to squares and rectangles, then adding circles to create shape and curves. We have looked at artists like Deborah Roberts, Pablo Picasso and his partner Francoise Gilot


This week in reception we have been exploring the South Pole. We began by reading ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers that tells the story of a little boy who finds a lost penguin and must travel across the treacherous ocean to find his home in the South Pole. We discussed what the weather is li