This term in Art, Year Two have studied the artwork of Vincent van Gogh. Although he is most famous for his paintings, van Gogh believed that drawing, using simple mark making techniques, was “the root of everything”. The boys and girls therefore studied his sketches and used different materials
This term in Art, we have been looking at, making and decorating clay coil pots. This linked nicely to our history topic too – all about the Ancient Greeks. The Ancient Greeks made coil pots to hold drinks, food and perfume and then decorated them with intricate images and designs. In Art, we lo
We were thrilled to have Ruth and Eve from Sylvan Skills working with some of our Year 5 children to re-dress our willow hens. Ruth started the session by showing the children how to weave the willow into egg shapes. It can be hard on the hands but they did a really good job, gradually weaving aro
The children in Reception have been getting to know the life cycle of a frog this week. We began the week by reading ‘Growing Frogs’ by Vivian French which details the life cycle of a frog. The children learnt that the life cycle begins with frogspawn, which slowly changes into a tadpole. The Tadpol
This week Nursery has been taken over by pirates! We went on a pirate adventure to look for treasure. To look for treasure we needed telescopes. The children worked hard in the creative area to make their own telescopes using toilet roll tubes. They spread glue and added different jewels, coloured p
The children in Class 1A have been enjoying Art Club after school. They began by creating tree collages. They drew the tree trunk and branches and then used circles of different sizes to draw around which they carefully cut out to make flowers. In English. the children have been reading the Ligh
This week in Reception class, our young learners delved into the enchanting world of “The Gruffalo” by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. It has been a week filled with creativity and exploration as we brought the story to life through various hands-on activities. Clay Models: The children had a fa
Year 1 spent the afternoon learning how to recognise and describe the shapes of leaves on trees in our Forest School. In class we played a leaf sorting game, separating into 5 main leaf shapes: Lobed, Compound, Eliptical, Cordate and Needles. The children could describe what features they might
This week, Reception have been learning about recycling and finding out why this is important for our environment. We began by reading the story ‘Somebody swallowed Stanley’ by Sarah Robert’s which tells the story of a plastic bag who is swallowed by various animals in the ocean. After reading
This week, Year 5 have began to look at Islamic art during their art lessons. We have looked at examples of Islamic art to identify the three main components: floral motifs, geometric patterns and calligraphy. Then, the children were given different examples of Islamic art to choose from and were as