We have been learning about Henri Matisse and his artwork this week. Nursery read a story called ‘Snail Trail’ which showed us different pieces of artwork that were created by Matisse. It focused on his creation called ‘The Snail’, to fit in with our topic learning around minibeasts. The Snail was c
Our children continue to learn about trees this month. Tree identification can be tricky, so we encourage them to become nature detectives and inspire them by setting activities that create links to their known worlds. The children were asked to think about their families and what the word family me
This week the children have continued their topic ‘Outdoor Explorers’ by focusing on growing and planting. We began by reading ‘Camille and the Sunflowers’ by Laurence Anholt and thinking about the life cycle of a plant. We have discussed the parts of a plant and learnt some key vocabulary s
This term in Art, Year Two have been learning about tie-dye. They have then used these techniques to create their own pair of tie-dye socks. First, the children learnt about the artist Yokisho Wada. The boys and girls found out that she used different dye techniques to create her artwork. Her work i
This week in Reception we have been learning all about the celebration of Easter. We began by listening to the story ‘Little Dove and the Story of Easter’ which helped us gain a clear understanding of the what the celebration is all about. After the story and watching ‘My first Festivals’, w
Some of our ceramics are out of the kiln, don’t they look amazing? Some are for school and some for the Angel Court garden and our hens have a lovely new sign for their coop too. Our final session with potter Lindsey Grieves, took place at Angel Court this week. The residents and children worked t
The pots and mushrooms have had their first bisque firing in the kiln, this hardens the clay to make a more durable form. The clay is now dry and porous, so will need glazing to add colour and seal the surface. Lindsey explained and demonstrated the process, then the children and residents chose th
John, one of the Angel Court residents, has a passion for gnomes. He has joined a new walking group on Fridays, which he is really enjoying but we know he misses seeing the children each week. With that in mind we thought it would be a nice surprise to make some gnomes for him and place them in t
The boys and girls in Year 1 have been investigating how to paint with different thicknesses of brushes and how to mix paints to make secondary colours. The topic began by using artists pencils to draw a variety of different lines. They learnt that lines can be long or short, thick or thin and wri
Year 4 have enjoyed a block of art over the last two weeks – exploring sketching and drawing with the human form, reducing it first to squares and rectangles, then adding circles to create shape and curves. We have looked at artists like Deborah Roberts, Pablo Picasso and his partner Francoise Gilot