In Art this term, the children explored the vast array of colours they are able to make from the 3 primary colours and learned about secondary and tertiary colours in order to create their own colour wheels. The boys and girls also identified how adding white and black can change the tint of a colou
Year 6 have been exploring different styles of portraits in the last couple of weeks. The children have learnt about how Picasso used a Cubist style, that was abstract and produced as if from different angles and using geometric shapes. They have contrasted this with Realism and the concept of wheth
The children and residents started putting last weeks garden plan into action today by potting up some seeds. First they went into the garden to collect some shale to put in the bottom of the pots for drainage. They then decorated their pots. We are testing out a new soil mix so it will be interest
In Reception this week, we have been exploring ways of transport. We started the week by reading ‘The Bus is for Us’ by Michael Rosen and discussed types of transport we are familiar with. We also discovered ways of transport that were unknown to us, such as trams, unicycles and a hovercraft.
During their Forest School sessions, Reception children have been learning about the plumage of different British birds and what details to look for so that they can be identified. Telling birds apart can be really challenging so it is important to use our observation skills and that takes practice.
This week in Reception was filled with literary wonders as we immersed ourselves in “Me on the Map” by Joan Sweeney! Witnessing the children transform into little architects, they enthusiastically crafted plans of their bedrooms and shared their imaginative creations with friends. Venturing outdoo
Our creative sessions at Angel Court started again this week. Dom, our favourite horticulturalist, came to create some rustic bird feeders to help encourage more wild birds into the community garden. It was lovely to see the residents and children working together chattering away like a little flock
We continue our annual tradition with our baubles and these will be the third one the children should have collected. Each year group has a different design and a different Art or DT skill in the painting used on them – from finger prints, stippling, blending, shading and drawing. We hope that you c