

This term, children form Year Two have been taking part in LEGO club. Each week they explored a different challenge using LEGO. First, the boys and girls made marble mazes. They used different sized bricks to build up their maze and tested them. Once they had made a simple maze, they then tried to m


This term in Computing, Year Two have been learning all about photography. First, the children sorted devices into those which can take a photograph and those which cannot. They then shared their own experiences of taking photographs using different devices. Next, the boys and girls learnt the steps


Learning about digitally manipulated images from both a technical side but also an online safety perspective is more important than ever.  In Computing this half term, the children have been learning about how images you see online are often not actually what they originally were! Digital enhanceme


This week in Computing, the children have been creating vector drawing using computer software. Vector drawings are drawings made on a computer using lines and shapes. We looked at some examples of vector drawings as a class and how these skills could lead into a career as a graphic designer.  We w


This half term, Year Six have been looking at 3D modelling during Computing lessons. The children have been using the Tinkercad programme to use editing skills to manipulate shapes on screen. First, they examined the similarities and differences between working digitally with 2D and 3D graphics. The


Over the past couple of weeks, the boys and girls in Year 3 have been learning about digital devices. They began by exploring what digital devices are and understand that digital devices accept inputs, follow a process and produce outputs. They then sorted items into digital devices and non digital


In Computing, Year Two have been learning all about Information Technology (IT). They found out that information technology is a computer or something that works with a computer.  To begin, the children worked with a partner to name lots of different devices, including a laptop, camera and smart sp


This week Year One had their very first computing lesson.  They were so excited to use the I-pads independently.  Firstly they learnt about different tools such as the paintbrush and how they could use a thick or a thin brush.  Also the pupils had ago at changing the colour of the paint and were


In Computing, Year Two have been learning all about programming, using Scratch Junior. They have used coloured blocks to program a character (sprite) to move, change and speak. To begin, the children recapped their learning from Year One. Even though it has been a long time since they last used Scra


This week, we have started our new unit using crumbles. The children were fantastic at creating a simple circuit, in pairs, and were able to code this to flash different colours. Year 5 are very excited to see what opportunity they will have next with coding these pieces of equipment! Article 28: We