

In Computing, Year Two have been learning all about Information Technology (IT). They found out that information technology is a computer or something that works with a computer.  To begin, the children worked with a partner to name lots of different devices, including a laptop, camera and smart sp


This week Year One had their very first computing lesson.  They were so excited to use the I-pads independently.  Firstly they learnt about different tools such as the paintbrush and how they could use a thick or a thin brush.  Also the pupils had ago at changing the colour of the paint and were


In Computing, Year Two have been learning all about programming, using Scratch Junior. They have used coloured blocks to program a character (sprite) to move, change and speak. To begin, the children recapped their learning from Year One. Even though it has been a long time since they last used Scra


This week, we have started our new unit using crumbles. The children were fantastic at creating a simple circuit, in pairs, and were able to code this to flash different colours. Year 5 are very excited to see what opportunity they will have next with coding these pieces of equipment! Article 28: We


Computing lessons in Year One are really exciting at the minute. We have started a new learning block – animation using Scratch Jnr. So far, we have learnt that the character is called a sprite, that we create our algorithm in the programming area and we join blocks together to execute the algorithm


Over this half term, the children have been using the program Scratch to develop their coding skills.  They began by learning about the main components – sprites, backdrops and programming blocks before having a go at creating code to make their sprite move. Once they had mastered this, they then a


In Computing, Year 1 have started their new topic all about programming Bee-Bots. The children began by investigating what the different buttons could do. They were able to identify and use the forwards, backwards, right turn and left turn buttons. It was very tricky to remember that we needed to pr


This term, in Computing, Year two have been learning all about algorithms. They have worked with beebots to create, predict and test different algorithms. Did you know that an algorithm is a specific set of instructions that can be followed by a computer to achieve a task? First, the children learnt


This week Nursery have been using Miss Nelson’s magic pen to explore the interactive smart board. As part of our minibeast topic, we have been using the features on our classrooms smart boars to access the note pad feature.  We have been drawing pictures of our favourite minibeasts. We learnt how t


This half term, the boys and girls have been learning all about branching databases. They began by finding out about how yes and no questions can be used to group and sort objects and had a go at generating some of their own. They then worked in pairs and used yes and no questions to separate a grou