

Year One have been so excited to use laptops this term. It all started with the children learning the different parts of a laptop computer and a desktop computer – screen, keyboard, trackpad/mouse. Then the children were taught how to log onto a laptop computer, and then onto Purple Mash. Next, we


This week, the children in Year 3 have thoroughly enjoyed the beginning of our computing unit, animations. The children first discussed whether they think a picture can move. There was a lot of debate, however the children soon understood that pictures can move through animation and flip books. The


This term in Computing we have been learning about how to edit images and how the media can alter an image so that what we see online and in newspapers and magazines is often not what it originally was! Using, we have been learning to crop an image, alter the colours and mood of a picture,


In Computing, Year Two have been learning all about photography. To begin, the children looked at a range of devices. With their partner, they decided which devices could be used to take a photo and which couldn’t.  Next, the boys and girls learned how to take a good quality photograph. They had to


This week in Computing, the children have been creating vector drawing using computer software. Vector drawings are drawings made on a computer using lines and shapes. We looked at some examples of vector drawings as a class and how these skills could lead into a career as a graphic designer.  We w


All of Year One have been enjoying learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali as part of their RE lessons.  They learnt that Diwali is the festival of light and it is celebrated by lighting Diva lamps, giving presents and sweets and enjoying fireworks.  Rangoli patterns are created outside houses


This half term, Year Two have been learning about information technology (IT) in computing. They found out that IT is a computer or something that works with a computer. First, the children found out about different types of IT that we use in school. They looked around the classroom and thought abou


Many years ago, computing in schools was about teaching children how to type and to use PowerPoint, Whilst these are still important skills, there is so much more on offer with the current curriculum at Harlow Green. One of the school’s curriculum drivers is ‘Possibilities’ and in computing the chil


Over the past couple of weeks, the children in Year 3 have learnt about digital devices and how they need an input, a process, and an output. This week, the children have been learning about the advantages and disadvantages of digital devices. We explored the idea of drawing on paper and drawing on