

In Computing, Year Two have been learning all about pictograms. To begin, they learned how to use a tally to record a total number of objects. Together, we made a class tally chart to find out what Year Two’s favourite fruit is – strawberries! Next, the children found out that a tally chart can


Today, we celebrated Safer Internet Day 2022 across school. The children engaged in a range of activities to celebrate all the great things we can do online, with a focus on how we can keep safe. This year for Safer Internet Day, we focused on two main areas. The children learnt how they can have fu


During our computing topic this term, the boys and girls in Year 3 have been learning about animation. At the start of this unit of work, the children created flip books. They were amazed at the moving pictures they created. In order to create our animations, the children have accessed and learnt to


This half term, Year 6 are learning about spreadsheets in computing. Firstly, the children were introduced to data, the different types and how it can be organised within a spreadsheet. Following this, the children looked at a spreadsheet showing sales of electronic items. From this spreadsheet, que


Year One have been so excited to use the laptops this term. It all started with the children learning the different parts of a computer – screen, keyboard, trackpad and mouse. Then the children were given individual log ins and, even though it was tricky, everyone was able to successfully log in. Ne


In Computing, Year Two have been learning how to stay safe online. This week, the children learned why using an avatar can help protect their identity online. They decided, even though an avatar is not a photograph, a drawing of a person can look very similar. Therefore, the children chose to use an


This half term, Year 5 are looking at vector drawing in Computing. To do this, the classes are using drawing tools within PowerPoint. Firstly, the children were introduced to vector drawings and began to develop an understanding that they are made up of simple shapes and lines. Following this, each


In Computing this half term, Year 4 have been learning all about what the internet is; we’ve been looking at servers, networks, routers and websites and then looking at how people create and compose website information and share things online.  For the last couple of lessons, we used Chrome Music L


In Year 2, we have been learning how to take fantastic photographs on the iPads in Computing. The children have learnt about what makes a good photo and what makes a bad photo. They now know the subject needs to be central and they need to frame their photograph so that all of the desired subject fi