

In Computing, Year 2 have learnt that an algorithm is a set of instructions given to a computer. This week, they have used the controls forwards, backwards, left and right to predict how a Bee-Bot would move from one point to another. Before putting their prediction to the test, the children had to


Year One have been thoroughly enjoying our new topic in computing – animation.  The children have been using a programme called Scratch.  So far they have learnt to change the background, change the sprite (character) and can even input an algorithm to move two sprites at a time.  They are now re


During Computing lessons this half term, the children in Year 5 have been focussing on programming, primarily using Scratch to help them develop their coding skills. The children were given a brief: design an interactive quiz using the program. They conducted thorough research into their chosen topi


Over this half term in Computing, Year 4 have been using the application FMSLogo to program a screen turtle to draw simple shapes and letters. We have been creating snippets of code and then will be putting them together to form longer algorithms.  Of course at first it went wrong and the turtle wo


In Computing, Year Two have been using Chrome Music Lab to create their own musical patterns. The children explored how they could adapt their pattern by adjusting the tempo (the pace of the music) and the instrument used. Some of the children chose to create a repeating pattern while others used th


Year 3 have been learning about digital devices. This week, they discussed activities which we use digital devices for and thought about how digital devices can help us. The boys and girls then had a go at recreating a well known piece of artwork using both a paint program on the iPad and coloured p


In Year 2, we have been learning about staying safe online. One way we have learnt to stay safe is to use an avatar instead of a photo of ourselves. This keeps us safe as it means we are not identifiable as ourselves online. We also discussed that this means that we cannot identify other people onli


This half-term, the children have enjoyed using Tinkercad to produce 3D models. they have learnt how to resize, move, rotate and group objects to produce models of different 3D products. Last week, they designed a pencil pot (complete with pencils) and this week they have created photo frames. Artic