This week Year One had their very first whole class computing lesson. They were so excited to use the I-pads independently. So far this term the children have learnt about what technology is – something that has a job or is useful and is made by people. This week they were eager to use technol
This week we have been learning about why recycling is important and how we can recycle. In technology, the children enjoyed using the magnets and metal detectors to sort rubbish into magnetic and non-magnetic items. We looked at a non-fiction book called ‘I Am Not A Box’ and then used som
In Computing, Year 2 have learnt that an algorithm is a set of instructions given to a computer. This week, they have used the controls forwards, backwards, left and right to predict how a Bee-Bot would move from one point to another. Before putting their prediction to the test, the children had to
Year One have been thoroughly enjoying our new topic in computing – animation. The children have been using a programme called Scratch. So far they have learnt to change the background, change the sprite (character) and can even input an algorithm to move two sprites at a time. They are now re
During Computing lessons this half term, the children in Year 5 have been focussing on programming, primarily using Scratch to help them develop their coding skills. The children were given a brief: design an interactive quiz using the program. They conducted thorough research into their chosen topi
Over this half term in Computing, Year 4 have been using the application FMSLogo to program a screen turtle to draw simple shapes and letters. We have been creating snippets of code and then will be putting them together to form longer algorithms. Of course at first it went wrong and the turtle wo
In Computing, Year Two have been using Chrome Music Lab to create their own musical patterns. The children explored how they could adapt their pattern by adjusting the tempo (the pace of the music) and the instrument used. Some of the children chose to create a repeating pattern while others used th
This week in Reception, we have been learning all about St George’s Day and celebrating the Queen’s birthday. As part of our theme we learnt all about the country that we live in. We read a great story called ‘Me on The Map’ by Joan Sweeney which introduced the basic concept of using a map. We
It has been lovely to see the children both at home and school enjoying lots of fun activities with a focus on well being this week. After such a busy half term of learning it was great to be able to embrace this themed week and get in a relaxed frame of mind ready for half term. The arrival of
Year 3 have been learning about digital devices. This week, they discussed activities which we use digital devices for and thought about how digital devices can help us. The boys and girls then had a go at recreating a well known piece of artwork using both a paint program on the iPad and coloured p