Design Technology


Exploring South American Flavours in Design Technology This week in Design Technology, students had a hands-on experience exploring the vibrant flavours of South American cuisine! As part of our food technology module, we learned how to make three delicious and traditional dishes: guacamole, salsa,


This week, Year 6 have been putting their culinary skills to the test as they have made vegetable pasties in the air fryers. There was great excitement in both Year 6 classrooms as the children were given the chance to peel, chop, slice and dice a range of vegetables to create their own pasty. Durin


This term we have been making hand puppets as part of our design and technology work. We began reviewing the running stitch, which the children have done previously, then had a go at over stitch, and if really confident, the back stitch.  We also have learned about a seam allowance to ensure the st


This week, the boys and girls became Stone Age chefs but with a modern twist! They began with discussions about food in the Stone Age. The children can all explain that early humans were hunter-gatherers who had a diet consisting of meat, fruit, nuts and berries and how this changed with the introdu


In DT, Year Two have designed and made a healthy sandwich. They learned about an Incredible Inventor called Ruth Wakefield, who invented the chocolate chip cookie. For their research, the children compared a cheese salad sandwich and a Nutella sandwich. In order to determine which was healthier, the


Nursery have been learning all about the meaning and importance of Valentine’s Day this week. This Valentine’s Day, the children had fun exploring the meaning of love and friendship. They talked about how it’s a day to show kindness and appreciation for the people they care about. We discussed who t


For the past two weeks, the Year One children have completed their Design and Technology block, with a focus on weaving. Our project is to design, make and evaluate a table mat. The week started with conducting some research about table mats. The children were able to look at table mats and say what