The children were excited to start a new Design Technology project this week. The week started off with some research into how toys move. The pupils had fun playing with wind up toys, a pull back mouse and toys with a lever mechanism. They learnt that all toys that move need a mechanism such as a le
If you are a very small bear and you want to look a long way the best thing to do is get up high in the air. The children were challenged to create a structure so that the bear could see into the distance. They could use branches and sticks they’d found in the woods. The highest tower would be the w
DT has been linked with our Viking topic from this term and we researched Viking long boats and the design and colours of sails they used. We made our sails and then created simple pulley systems to raise the lower the sails off the ground. We had previously looked at how pulleys can be used to ma
Learning about fires is particularly important at this time of year. Year 2 children have been learning about the Great Fire of London, in class they created their own houses using cardboard boxes. They decorated the houses marking on the wooden frames that would have been part of the houses origina
Wands and broomsticks, potions and ghosts, Year 6 created all sorts of spooky things for Halloween. Using Formia leaves to make fastenings the children worked together to create some fantastic broomsticks, smelly ones, using thyme, sage, mint and lemon balm. Fluffy ones made from rose bay willow her
This week we have continued our topic learning under the theme “Marvellous Me”. We learnt all about harvest and talked about foods that are healthy for us. We all had fun digging up the vegetable patch in our garden, peeling and grating the vegetables to make out own vegetable soup and having a
Year 2 begin to learn more about tools and construction within their Forest School sessions. First sorting the hammers into different types, then we looked at what each type might be used for. We also talked about what you could use if you didn’t have a hammer and how could you improvise. The childr
In Reception, we have been learning about the senses as part of our Marvelous Me topic. Mr Potato Head helped the children to remember that we have five senses. Over the week we have used our senses to find out about the world in a variety of ways. We have learnt the difference between sweet b
Year 6 children were busy this week, they practiced using flint and steel to create a spark, then tried to find appropriate tinder to ignite. This can be a real challenge, we will looking at what kind of tinders can be found naturally and what kind of man-made alternatives are available, it’s always
Reception children used their senses to find natural objects that they liked. Feeling for textures, lots of nice shiny leaves, spiky grasses, colourful fruits, smelly herbs, they filled their bags. They moved around in the undergrowth with confidence and are beginning to be able to express why certa