Learning about fire is a important life skill. From choosing where to position a fire, to using fire pit, fire safety and methods of ignition, from fireside activities and crafts, to extinguishing it at the end of the day, the children will be taught these skills during their Forest School sessions.
In Reception this week, we enjoyed blasting off to space. We read ‘ The Way Back Home’ by Oliver Jeffers which inspired us to learn more about space. For homework, the children learnt a space fact and then enjoyed sharing them at group time. We found out about stars and made our own constellat
Kite Making The children have been loving the wind! We took the opportunity to make kites to fly in the wind. We nearly got blown away. Article 28: Every child has the right to an education. Article 29: Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.
Wild winds this afternoon but we are lucky to still have some sheltered woodland to explore. Some children tried a quick build challenge to make a house for a mouse. You can see that their builds are starting to take shape. The children are now beginning to plan ahead and select materials with more
Year 3 took to the woods to get creative, on a glorious day with no wind. There was small construction going on in the willow room. Playing in and building dens and some nest building too. While all that busy stuff was going on some other children started to create a placement art gallery on the hil
In Design and Technology, Year Two have been making healthy packed lunches. As part of their research, the children learned about Jethro Tull and his incredible invention – the seed drill. Tull began farming in 1699 when seeds were planted by hand. He found this very frustrating, so he decided to ma
The teachers have been amazed this week by the children’s fantastic weaving skills. The week started by researching woven tablemats as the final product will be a woven animal placemat. Then we went outside and had a go at weaving strips of fabric along the MUGA fence. They learnt to go in and
This week, the children in Year 3 have been learning about Stone Age food. They have researched how people during the Stone Age were known as ‘hunter gatherers’ and they have created their own menu ideas. To create our Stone Age recipes, the children used modern day appliances and utensils although
This week, the boys and girls in Reception have been learning all about Chinese New Year. We read a story about the Chinese zodiac and learnt that this year is the year of the Tiger. We had lots of fun during our choosing times playing in our role play Chinese restaurant, painting blossom pictur
As part of our topic on Journeys, we have been finding out about different types of transport this week. We read the rhyming story, ‘The Bus is For Us! by Michael Rosen, which explores different modes of transport we might travel on. The children enjoyed joining in with the rhyming words and p