For the last two weeks of term in DT we are looking at pulleys and linking this to our topic on Vikings, by seeing if we can create a pulley system to raise a sail. This week we have been researching Viking long boats and pulleys and sail designs. Next week we will attempt to create a method of
Year 6 spent their Forest School session trying to work out how to make a flying fox or zip line. They are now confident in creating anchor knots in the form of a timber hitch and then adding tension using hitches to lock the ropes off. However they soon realised it’s not that easy, you need the r
As this years Forest School sessions come to a close for Christmas, the children were given a free play session so we can observe what they’ve learned and what they’ve really enjoyed. It was great to see how independent and confident they have become. Principle 1: Forest School is a long-term proc
Year 4’s boat building reaches its final stages, these sessions have run alongside the children’s PSE lessons which have focused on managing frustration, self worth, persistence and resilience. The children have certainly faced some difficult challenges that demand a really positive attitude, knot w
In DT, Year Two have started to build a toy fire engine. As part of their research, the children learnt about an inventor called George William Manby who is famous for inventing the first fire extinguisher. They also looked at different toy fire engines and decided which they liked the best and why.
This week in DT, the children in Year 6 have made a working Morse Code transmitter. Firstly, they had to find out what a Morse Code transmitter did. After this, they designed their product. The children remembered how to create a circuit using their knowledge from Science and applied this knowledge
Year 6 children, who are already confident applying a timber hitch, now attempted to add tension to lines they have created. Without tension the line won’t support weight, whether a climbing human or tarp when shelter building, a slack rope will effect the integrity of the timber hitch and create sa
Over this term Year 4 have been working on their boat building skills, linked to their topic of Vikings. Knot work has been the foundation for these sessions. This requires co-operation and a lot of patience. First they were taught the timber hitch to use as an anchor line. Once this was mastered, s
This week we finally completed our design and technology projects. Firstly the children coloured in a volcano and a pterodactyl outline. They were encouraged to add detail such as lava and eyes on the dinosaur. Next they had to carefully cut each shape out – it was really difficult cutting r
Come and play the Forest School way. Many of our Reception children have already learned so much about enjoying this wilder environment safely during their years in our nursery. Now they can hone their skills and get creative. Those children then support children who are new to Harlow Green and help