Year 6 showed off their rope work skills this week. After being taught a timber hitch for anchoring, the children then translated that knowledge into the trees, creating their own rope lines. Securing with simple half hitches to give tension they had to work together to ensure tight and safe lines.
The children were excited to start a new Design Technology project this week. The week started off with some research into how toys move. The pupils had fun playing with pop-up books, Hungry Hippo, wind up toys and toys with a lever mechanism. They learnt that all toys that move need a mechanism suc
A fun packed morning in Year 2 this week. As part of the children’s history lessons, they have been learning about the Great Fire of Gateshead. They created their own houses in class and had the opportunity in our Forest School session to see first hand the effects of fire. Before the session began
This afternoon, in the Forest School, our Reception children enjoyed some campfire cooking and learnt about fire safety. They shared stories about Bonfire night and we discussed how to stay safe around fire, so we can all enjoy it. The children ate caramelised pears and got very sticky fingers. They
The children have been learning about our first festival of the year – Harvest! We watched a video clip on Espresso which explained all about Harvest and what it meant. The children enjoyed watching the combine harvesters plough and cut the farmers fields of the newly grown crops. In Reception we ha
This week we continued with the boat building theme, linked to The Vikings. The children were taught how to make a timber hitch, used to move wood and to create a starting point for securing other more complex hitches. Knot work can be very challenging, so using big ropes on large logs helps the chi
What a beautiful morning to be creative, catch up with friends and start our journey into this years Forest School sessions. Linking to the topic of Vikings the children began setting up a boat building area. They started gathering resources from around the site and made their first models. Simple
Due to the pandemic our wonderful visits to Angel Court had to be suspended. Though this was terribly sad for all of us, it was clearly vital to ensure their protection. Miss Rowe has been in touch with Angel Court and the Hensioners of Wood Green throughout this difficult time and as a school we ar
Looking forward to the future, after a challenging year, is so important for the children. Giving time to talk about their hopes and dreams encourages them to be open to new ideas and opportunities. Being able to be honest about any worries we may have, whilst still retaining an optimism, can help u
As part of their topic, Year 3 have been learning about castles. After researching and writing about castle defences, the boys and girls have had the opportunity to make their own trebuchets. They learned about how to make a strong structure using only paper, wooden dowel and masking tape and thorou