The year 4 children have enjoyed the chance to prepare and eat a delicious traditional Greek dish as part of their DT topic this summer. After studying Greece in both history and geography this year, it was an ideal opportunity to continue their studies into traditional Greek dishes and ingredients.
Year 3 continue collaborating on tasks in our Forest School. This week they collected as many different grass varieties as they could find. The grass was cut with scissors from the base, this gave good lengths to work with. These were then manipulated into a heart shape which requires at least 2 p
This week, Year Two have been learning how to sew and have created a piece of bunting. They learnt that bunting is rows of small, coloured flags used as a decoration when celebrating special occasions. The children found out that in the past bunting was used to celebrate Queen Victoria’s Jubilee and
Over the last few weeks Year 3 have been taking part in various Forest School activities, writing rhymes, tower building and this week, creating simple games. The common link is the need for the children to collaborate no matter what the activity and no matter whos in their team. This over-arching t
3 Little Pigs We have had a lovely week in Nursery this week. We have looked at the story of ‘The 3 Little Pigs’ and explored houses. We talked about our homes and what they look like and then compared this to different types of houses around the world. We then looked into different rooms in our
This week we have been learning about why recycling is important and how we can recycle. In technology, the children enjoyed using the magnets and metal detectors to sort rubbish into magnetic and non-magnetic items. We looked at a non-fiction book called ‘I Am Not A Box’ and then used som
Creating rafts can be great fun. The challenge was to work in a team to build a raft using only natural sticks (no planed wood) and two lengths of string. It must be small enough to fit in the pond and strong enough to support the weight of an egg for a minimum of 10 seconds. The children were given
Free play sessions are integral to our Forest School ethos, ensuring the children have a confidence and ownership of their environment. Different activities are introduced in these lessons that children can chose to engage in or interpret themselves, alternatively they can use the space and resource
In Nursery this week we have explored the season ‘summer’. The children have loved looking for signs of summer outside and discussing their favourite activities to do when it is sunny. The most popular ideas have been: visits to the beach, park and playing in the paddling pool. The children know the
Upper Key Stage 2 have enjoyed an afternoon inspired by the poems of Edward Lear and Lewis Carrol. In class they read limericks and nonsense poetry such as The Owl and the Pussycat and Jabberwocky then they headed outside to see if they could create their own verse. Working in teams they were given