Design Technology


This week in our Forest School the children were asked to create limericks or nonsense poetry about Owls, and then share them in a variety of ways. Before going outside, we read the Owl and the Pussycat and some of Edward Lear’s owl based limericks and discussed the humour often found in this type o


As part of Design and Technology, we have started to make our hand puppets this week and this involved first learning about some of the different types of stitches we can use.  After the first challenge of threading the needle, we began with running stitch.  We will be having a go at back stitch a


This week we have been doing some Design and Technology and in particular focussing on weaving.  Our project is to design and then make a table mat.  First we investigated different table mats, what shape they are, what they are made from and what their purpose is.  Next we all had a go at weavin