Applying some of their experience from last weeks den building session, Year 6 created miniature Anderson Shelters, linking to their current topic of World War 2. It was interesting to see the different ways the children approached this task, starting with a simple framework and building from there.
Year 6 are getting back into the swing of their Forest School sessions, they made the most of the Autumn weather to build some amazing shelters. Apart from the sheer creativity of the task, natural den building benefits the children in many ways. This week the dens had to be free-standing, use only
The children in Reception were very excited this week, to welcome a new visitor to our classroom. Mr Bones made a rare trip out of the science cupboard to help us to learn all about our skeleton. The children were fascinated to meet him and asked lots of questions. They learnt that we have 206
This week, the children in Nursery and Reception have been busy doing lots of arts and crafts with an Easter theme. As well as some great painted egg designs, other crafts include: decorating Easter bonnets; colouring Easter egg designs; Easter models; Easter cards and egg hunts. We would like t
Our Forest School would like to share some ideas that might help to inspire you in these difficult times. We know it is vital, to help control the spread of this virus, that as many children as possible should stay at home, this must be the priority. However that doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy
Despite difficult times, our children and residents of Angel Court enjoyed a fantastic last session creating pottery depictions of the Angel of the North. They started by rolling out the clay using guide sticks to control the thickness, the children helped the older people to do this, as they so
This week Year One have started their Design and Technology topic. They are going to be making a woven table mat. The children learnt that table mats are used during meal times and can be made out of lots of different materials. To practise the weaving technique, the children used ribbon to weave in
This term, in Year 5, our Forest School is focusing on Personal, Social and Emotional education in a more specific way. Last week the children discussed the three aspects of human health; physical, mental and emotional. The children then whittled sticks and wrote on them things they do to ensure t
In our Forest School this week Year 3 experienced some culinary delights from the Stone Age. Linking to their topic they have been learning about how Stone Age man would have hunted and gathered their food. What impact the introduction of fire made to their communities and how this enabled them to b
In Design Technology, Year 2 have been exploring what makes a healthy lunch. We learnt all about the 5 different food groups and how a meal should contain elements of each of the groups. With this in mind, the children designed a healthy packed lunch. The children then practised their spreading, cu