On Friday, pupils had fun whilst raising money for Comic Relief. During assembly, the children learnt that Comic Relief is a charity event that raises money to support incredible projects and organisations who are making a difference for people across the UK and around the world. At Harlow Gre
This week, Reception have been making their Mother’s Day cards. The children began by reading ‘My Mum is fantastic’ and discussed how their own mam or people who care for them are fantastic too. The children then practiced their fine motor skills by sewing thread on a heart ready to put onto card. S
This week we have been doing some Design and Technology and in particular focussing on weaving. Our project is to design and then make a table mat. Before making our animal shaped table mats, we designed them and talked about what equipment we would need. Finally we started weaving our table mat
This week in Year 4, we continued to develop and perfect our sewing skills by creating our puppets. The children began by drawing carefully around a template on felt and then used fabric scissors to cut this out. They then repeated this step to create the back of their puppet. The children chose whi
In DT, Year Two have designed and made a healthy packed lunch. As part of their research, the children looked at the school packed lunch policy to get a better understanding of what a healthy packed lunch should include. Using the policy, the children looked at several different packed lunches and d
Despite the wild weather this week, Reception children still managed to get out into the Forest School. First they were told a traditional tale The Magpie and the Birds Nests, this inspired them to think about why birds create nests and what materials different birds use to make them. They found lot
This week, the Year One children started their Design and Technology block, with a focus on weaving. Our project is to design, make and evaluate a table mat. The week started with conducting some research about table mats. The children were able to look at table mats and say what materials they th
This week we started making our hand puppets as part of our design and technology work. We began reviewing the running stitch, which the children have done previously, then had a go at over stitch, and if really confident, the back stitch. We also have learned about a seam allowance to ensure th
During our design and technology lessons this week, the children in Year 3 have been learning about Stone Age food. They have researched how people during the Stone Age were known as ‘hunter gatherers’ and they have created their own menu ideas. To create our Stone Age recipes, the children used
Reception children are learning about the feeding habits of birds Forest School style. Off to the field to build a big nest together, working the grass and branches round and around to create the shape. Sticks were placed inside to represent the hungry chicks, then it was off into the woods to find