Design Technology


Across school at the end of term, all the children take part in a quiz using the app Mentimeter.  This quizzes them on all things to do with foundation lessons such as History, Geography, Art, PE, Science and more….The classes ring out with cheers and drum rolls. The children are really used to t


In Year 3, we have been designing and creating Christmas decorations for our design and technology project. The children carefully designed their stockings and identified the materials they would need to complete their designs. To join the felt to create their stockings, the boys and girls have lear


This week in Design Technology, Year Two have been designing and making their own toy fire engines. First, the children researched existing toy fire engines and thought about what they liked and disliked about some different designs. Then, they used this to help them to design their own toy fire eng


In D.T. over the last week, the year 6 children have designed and made a working Morse Code transmitter. To begin with, the children had to learn what a Morse Code transmitter was used for. Following this, they designed their product. The children could remember how to create a circuit using their k


This week we have started our DT topic ‘The Rail Project’. The aim of this project is that we will create an electrical moving train from scratch! We began the week looking at George Stephenson and his amazing impact on the history of railways and explored his revolutionary invention ‘The Rock