This week the children in Year 1 have started to explore The Ugly Duckling written by Jackie Walter and Sarah Horne. To begin, the children used feathers and other collage materials to create pictures of Mother Duck and the Ugly Duckling. Next, they predicted what would hatch out of the final eg
Over three days this week, the children across the whole school were spell-bound as they were visited by the illustrator and author Liz Million. Liz writes, illustrates and publishes her own books as well as illustrating for other authors and working in schools. She talked to the children about her
Reading for pleasure and promoting a life-long love of books is a key aim of the school’s curriculum and, this half-term, Mr Allen has run an after-school book club where children have read and discussed a book together each Thursday. The book that was chose was ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ by Michael Morpur
This week, the children in Year 5 have been writing sentence stackers in preparation for their next piece of writing. Today, the children were introduced to the language feature similes. The children learnt that similes compare something to something else using the words ‘as’ or ‘like’. After iden
Bubble Trouble by Margaret Mahy and Polly Dunbar is the book we have been enjoying with the residents at Angel Court. Working with creative story teller Elizabeth, the children and residents have been adding to the story using themselves as additional characters. Trying to rhyme with names can be
Encouraging children to read and seeing them become fluent readers, is one of the most rewarding aspects of being a teacher. The world that opens up when you can read – for enjoyment, pleasure, or to find information for a purpose – is one with endless possibilities. IN school, we use Reading Plus a
In our book this term, we learn all about Ruby and her family and when they emigrate from Australia to India to start a new life running a hotel high up in the mountains. The children always really enjoy this book and we have been writing newspaper reports all about Ruby’s trip and her experience op
This week, the children investigated clues to find out their new English read. The children were brought down to the hall where a variety of clues had been laid out. These included what appeared to be broken plane windows, an S.O.S sign, the Brazilian flag and a newspaper article with information
In English, Year Two have started to read their new class text – Hansel and Gretel. For their book launch, the children made a gingerbread house. They painted half a paper plate brown before adding more detail to their work. The children were given a door, windows and chimney to ensure their cottage
This week in English, the boys and girls were keen to find out their new class text. They began by eagerly discussing the clues – a necklace, a sharp piece of rock and images of cave paintings. They predicted the shapes on the necklace were bones and teeth. They then used their listening skills to