

This week, Year 6 were introduced to their new text in English – the Horrible Histories Second World War Book. This is an interesting, informal non-fiction book that contains many genres of writing and the children have explored how these different genres are used across the chapters. They have then


After the half-term holiday, it has been really pleasing to see the children returning to school talking about books they have read. The teachers were really pleased to see that many of the children continued to access Reading Plus and many were instantly ready to do their Accelerated Reader quiz, w


This week in English, we ‘launched’ our new reading stimulus – all the children knew was that it had something to do with boats. They shared their ideas and experiences about different types of boats, their design and purpose, then made models of boats using everyday materials. The aim was to includ


This week, Year Two have started to read their new book – Vlad and The Great Fire of London. The children looked at houses from 1666 and compared them to houses built today. The children recognised that houses built in the past were very close together, made out of wood and a little bit wonky. Then,


This week in English, we have’ wrapped up’ our half term unit using different versions of the Cinderella story as stimuli. The skill focus for this week was to understand the purpose of inverted commas used to mark speech, and to create their own speech sentences using inverted commas in the correct


This week in English, we have read the next story in our book ‘Beowulf and the Sea-hag’.  We have explored how Beowulf’s emotions have changed throughout the story, from defeating Grendel to going to hunt the Sea-hag (his mother). Next week, we are going write instructions to inform Beowulf how to


This week, Year 4 and Reception came together to share their love of reading. The children buddied up, found a cosy place to sit and shared some stories. The Year 4 children loved reading to the Reception children and some of the Reception children enjoyed reading to the Year 4 children too! They sh