In English lessons this half term, Year Six have been looking at a short animation called ‘The Piano’. The video is of a man playing a tune on a piano and reflecting on the memories in his life. The children enjoyed looking at clues to predict what the man’s memories might have been. They considered
Presentation is extremely important and each week, children across the school are rewarded for their presentation, by achieving a place on the ‘Perfect Presentation’ hall of fame. Throughout school, children work extremely hard to achieve their pen licence. They have to practise their joins and get
Our Fun Day at the Post Office! This week has been so exciting in our reception class! We read The Jolly Postman by Janet and Allan Ahlberg, and it was so much fun to see all the different characters he delivered letters to. Inspired by the story, we decided to set up our very own role-play post o
This term in English, Year Two are looking at their new book,’ Vlad and the Great Fire of London’ To launch this book, the children were shown images of houses that were similar to those that were around in 1666. They quickly identified that they were very different from modern houses because th
On Monday and Tuesday, the Year 6 parents attended curriculum workshops. Mr Hollingworth shared a little information about the non-core subjects and how these are planned and taught. This was followed by a presentation of work by the children. They shared a little information about remembrance and s
This week we launched our new English text – Stone Girl, Bone Girl. This book is all about the life of Mary Anning, a famous paleontologist. To launch the book, Year One have been learning all about fossils and how they teach us about dinosaurs. Everyone made a fossil using clay. Firstly we had to
This week, year 4 launched their new text for English: Histronauts – A Viking Adventure. The children were introduced to the Histronauts, who are a group of children that travel back in time to learn about life in the past. Building on their learning about Vikings in History, the children were asked
Learning about fires is particularly important at this time of year. Year 2 children have been learning about the Great Fire of London, in class they created their own houses using cardboard boxes. They decorated the houses marking on the wooden frames that would have been part of the houses origina
In Reception this week, the children enjoyed the Halloween activities that were set up in the classroom and in our outdoor areas. Some of the activities included, making spiders out of playdough, printing with Halloween shapes in the painting area, making magic wands in the outdoor area and potions
This week, the children have been learning about renga, free verse and narrative poems for poetry week. On Monday, the children learnt about renga poetry, which is a traditional form of free-verse Japanese poetry. The children learnt about how renga poems are made up of tankas, consisting of short