

This week, Year 4 have used a short film as a stimulus for our English work instead of a text or book. We have loved watching The Dragon Slayer which tells the story of a battle between a warrior and a dragon and has a most unexpected ending! To begin this block of English, we made predictions about


This week in Reception we have been looking at some Autumn celebrations. We have learned all about Halloween and completed lots of different Halloween activities, changed the home corner to a witches kitchen and made our own magic potions outside. We enjoyed telling our friends what we had been doin


The school has its first 50,000 Word Wizards of the year on Reading Plus. This is a tremendous achievement at this stage of the school year! Well done to Charlie, William, Shafiq, Freya, Alex  and Pei Qi.


In Reception this week we have been so busy thinking all about how to keep ourselves clean and healthy. During guided reading we focused on the book ‘Wiffy Wilson – The Wolf Who Wouldn’t Wash’. We shared the book during small group and found out the difference between good dirt and bad dirt. W


Everyone in Year One enjoys their daily phonics lesson.  Every day the children learn a new sound, practise their letter formation and have a go at reading some green words.  Learning to read our green words quickly and by sight also helps us to read our reading books, both at school and at home.�


Year 6 have been working extremely hard with their writing over the last week. They have been focussing on expanding noun phrases, using colons to explain and correctly punctuating speech. They have been reading the book Friend or Foe and predicted what might happen when one of the boys, David, was


In English, Year 3 are reading stories based on the traditional tale of ‘Cinderella’. They have previously enjoyed ‘Prince Cinders’ and ‘The Egyptian Cinderella’ and were very excited to listen to the Chinese tale ‘Yeh-Shen’. The boys and girls worked in pairs to sequence images and talk through the