

Year 6 have been exploring the characters in the Varmints. They thought about the types of questions they would ask to the grey creature who cared and the ‘others’ who came and destroyed the world. The questions that were asked and the answers they elicited helped to show the contrasting moods and a


Today, Nursery took part in a variety of activities to celebrate World Book Day today.  They dressed up as book characters and brought in their favourite stories to share.  They particularly enjoyed a visit from pupils in year 3 who read books to them.  They also listened to the story ‘Aliens Lov


All of the pupils in our phonic’s lessons have enjoyed the start in their new RWI groups.  There has been some amazing fred talking of green words and excellent reading of alien words.  What a lot of Nonsense!  The children have also been excited to start reading their new book, which they are ta


Year 4 have loved starting to read their new book- I am Henry Finch- in English this week. We have considered how the main character is feeling at different points in the story. Today, we have demonstrated our understanding of this through drama. Everyone in the class had the opportunity to act out


Obnoxious. Irritating. Vermin. three words used to describe the title of Year Six’s new book: Varmints. This week the Year 6 teachers have launched the book and the children have watched a book trailer and started to think about the main themes and characters. They were surprised to discover that it


In English this term, Year 3 are reading The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. Today, they listened to the opening of the story and used clues about his appearance to create their own models. They worked successfully in teams and described their creations to the class.   UNICEF Article 12: We all have th


This half term in English, Year 5 are going to be studying ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar. Over the course of this week, the children have enjoyed introductory activities to the book. To begin with, they looked at different versions of the front cover and predicted what the book may be about. We then read


The children in Year 2 have enjoyed reading and writing instructions.  They read instructions about how to build a snowman and then tried to draw their own.  They also read the book ‘Silly Billy’ by Anthony Browne about a boy who uses worry dolls to help him get to sleep.  The children made their


This term our class text is The Princess and the Pea.  The children made a crown for the prince. They had to pretend to be the prince saying what he had a lot of but also showing his sadness at not being able to find a real princess to be his wife. The children have also enjoyed listening to a vari