

In English, we are loving reading When The Mountains Roared and this week we have been looking at the plight of the endangered snow leopards, so we can write a persuasive letter to the Indian government to ask for their support to help!  It ties in nicely with our Geography topic too on mountains a


This week in Reception, we have been looking at different types of transport as part of our topic on Journeys. The children have discussed how they travel to school and what journey they take, sharing this on Tapestry as well as creating a pictogram of how we travel to school on Purple Mash. The chi


The new year has started brilliantly for Harlow Green’s reading stars in KS2. All of the children have taken a Star Reader test in Accelerated Reader to get a new reading range and they have all been able to select from the new books in the scheme. The children have also continued to use Reading Plu


Our English reader this term is The Princess and the Pea.  We began by playing a memory game where we looked at different objects to help us predict what the story was going to be about. The pupils looked at a princess, a prince, a crown, a castle, a pea and a bed. The children used these clues to


To launch our new text for English, the children examined some clues: a bone and tooth necklace,  a flint spear head and an image of cave paintings. They predicted that the text related to the Stone Age, and they shared any facts they knew about this period. They then made their own Stone Age neckl


In English, Year Two have started reading their new book – Into the Forest, by Anthony Browne. First, the children looked at the front cover of the book in more detail. They noticed small pictures among the leaves and trees, including a frog, an apple and a tall tower. Once they had identified each