

In Geography, Year Two have been learning all about life in rural Uganda. They have compared their lives to children living in this part of world, identifying similarities and differences at home and in school. To begin, the children learned about rural and urban areas. They sorted pictures to show


Year 4 have enjoyed the start of their Geography topic this half term, all about mountains. To begin with, we have learned about how the structure of the Earth affects its features. Using pieces of paper, they demonstrated how the Earth’s tectonic plates can move in different ways to create mounta


This week in our reception class, the children embarked on an exciting exploration of their homes. We began by reading the delightful story “Me on the Map” by Joan Sweeney, which sparked their imaginations. Following this, they examined photographs of their own bedrooms and created detailed plans of


Everyone in Year One was excited to start their new topic of Houses and Homes. We started off the week by looking at photos and pictures of different kinds of houses. The children loved showing their class photos of their house and we learnt the names of different kinds of houses – detached, semi-


This week, in Geography, we started our new unit of ‘Human and physical geography within a region of South America and the UK’. The children started the topic by locating South America on a world map. Once we had located South America, we took a closer look at the countries within it, focusing on Ar


Year 6 have been learning some vital geographical skills over the last two weeks which have linked to their Peacekeepers topic and World War 2. Within their lessons, children have used atlases, compasses, tube maps, street maps and grids to study the geography of the UK – and London in particular. T


In Geography, we have enjoyed learning about climate zones and starting learning more about the different counties within Europe. It has inspired us to travel and explore more, identify where some of us have been on holiday, where some of our family lives and decide whether we like the weather we ha